Exams are coming to my University, and our Varsity Christian Fellowship decided to do something to remind people that someone cares for during this busy period of examinations! We are going to be giving out little bags of candy and coffee to keep their spirits up, and write a little note to remind them that studying is not everything, and that there are people watching out for them.
Even as we are busy studying for the finals, it is often easy to slip into a bubble of our own. Messages become rarer, people hang out less so that they can squeeze out more time to study. Sometimes we get tired of all that, and we forget that there are always people out there facing the same problems. Especially for such a competitive country such as mine, it can get quite stressful and daunting at this time.
We want to change that. Inspired by 1 Peter 5:7, we decided to launch a mini-campaign, challenging people to write little notes to just 5 of their friends to say a little word of encouragement. The card you see is just a way to ease that process and to put a face to the campaign.
I’m really excited about this because it gives me a chance to put the design and marketing skills God has given me to good use. I have always tried to find concrete ways of being able to apply what I have learnt in school and campaigns like this that has a real impact in others’ lives, even for a short while, is right up my alley. Besides blessing those that we are writing notes to, I think we too are blessed when we write these notes because we can remember that we also have someone who loves us too.
Excited to see how it turns out come next week! In the meantime, spread the love!

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