Here’s a bit of talking about myself for once. I am a Year 4 student in NUS, specialising in Marketing. I just realised this, but I am one of the very few guys actually doing so because somehow people think that only girls do Marketing, even some professors.
It’s one day away from my last paper for this semester but all I can think of these days is what I am going to do when I graduate. I guess it will get to you when you are about to graduate, and you hear all of your other friends talking about it. Especially when most of them already have jobs waiting for them. To be very honest, it’s actually kind of scary.
For the past three years of my life, I never doubted my path. I know very clearly that Marketing is something that I want to do, and something that I have passion in. (Why else would I be writing this blog right?) Yet now, just when I am about to graduate, the uncertainty is starting to overwhelm me a little. I don’t know what the future holds, and news about the weakening economy makes prospects even more opaque.
The worry is not really about getting a job as much as it is about getting a job that I would want and love. I cannot imagine working for the rest of my life without meaning or purpose. And the mere idea of what is what scares me.
I really need faith to believe that I would be able to get to where I want to be.
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