“If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” – Mark 3:25
I was reminded of this verse while I was thinking about branding. A brand, similarly, cannot be great when there is scant support for it.
Strategist, Marketer, Nerd
“If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” – Mark 3:25
I was reminded of this verse while I was thinking about branding. A brand, similarly, cannot be great when there is scant support for it.
I was just surfing through Brand New, and came across the brand launch for Polycom’s new brand identity. It seems like their launch mechanism was as simple as pulling down a white cloth that was hiding their corporate video. Simple and elegant, but perhaps a little too difficult to get passed through in Asia where everything is about pomp and ceremony.
What is perhaps more interesting is Polycom’s new corporate video that does not showcase a single conference phone, the one product that they are famous for. A clear articulation of the breadth of conferencing technologies they are in was shown instead. Great way of telling us that there is more to Polycom than those triangular phones, which I guess is also the point of redesigning the logo!
Related to what I posted yesterday about Internal Branding. Brand Channel talks more on the topic and about the importance of getting employees involved in the branding process instead of simply imposing the brand on them. Rallies, workshops and other activities can be used to communicate desired behaviours.
Beyond marketing, branding is also the responsibility of HR, and perhaps more so the responsibility of management since leading by example sends the strongest signal and endorsement of the brand.
via: Internal Brand Alignment | Brand Management Techniques | brandchannel.com.