How is everyone this lovely Friday? It’s been a busy week for this author, and hence quite quiet here at MAJOR: MARKETING.
I thought I would post some stuff that has fascinated me on social media, just for your entertainment. And I guess one brand sums up everything pretty well…
Oreo has been doing a marvelous job of staying hyper-relevant and on trend to all that happens over social media.
What I found really amazing was that they run a GLOBAL Facebook page rather than a local one! Doesn’t that make it doubly hard to stay relevant? And yet I think they are doing great, at least on the Singapore front.
If you are not from Singapore, here’s what they did:

A Hello Kitty fever is hitting Singapore. Long queues line up outside of local McDonald’s outlets where girls wait for their favourite cat, brothers queue for their sisters, and boyfriends wait in line for their girlfriends. The fever is so hot, in fact, that eBay is currently selling these feline soft toys at astronomical prices. Oreo has entered the fray quickly with “Hello, Cookie”.

Just after the haze hit, there were reports of a hailstorm in Singapore. Normally unheard of in our sunny little tropical island. The rare weather event naturally fascinated most Singaporeans.
Being the self-deprecating lot we are, a viral video has been spun out of an interview with a local who commented that the hail stones looked like grapes…
Of course, Oreo did not miss out on the opportunity either, and came up with “Hail, Oreo!” mere hours after the news and videos of the hail came online.
(On a side note, I totally love this video. It’s so awesome that it’s playing on loop on my computer right now! Hilarious.)

By now, the whole world knows that we had the haze that hit PSI 401 last Friday. I also featured it in a previous post about companies who jumped on the haze bandwagon to promote their brand and products.

Then there was Man of Steel that happened close to Father’s Day. Oreo killed two birds with one stone by celebrating “Super Dads”.
This has to be one of the most on-trend brands ever, further perfecting the real-time marketing they pioneered at Superbowl. Staying on top of the news has kept Oreo at the top of mind of consumers. The humour that comes with these posts also help to create a fun personality for the cookies. Brilliant, really. Looking forward to see more from Oreo!
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