I had to create a portfolio of stocks for one of my Finance modules, and I designed the report to look like an actual fund prospectus. Who said finance and design can’t mix? [Read more…]
Ambrosia Product Concept Design for The Body Shop

I participated in the L’Oreal Brandstorm Competition 2012 earlier this year. My team had to come up with an iconic product for The Body Shop and we decided on a body gel that gave off a long-lasting fragrance that was customised to the customers’ moods. Read more after the jump! [Read more…]
Name Card Design: Teck

I designed this name card for my writer-friend Teck. The printing was completed today, and I managed to get one from him as a keepsake. [Read more…]
Helvetica for University of the Arts London’s Identity

If you read this blog closely enough, you would realize that I am an avid follower of Brand New, a site that critiques new brand identities from a design perspective.
The new University of the Arts London (UAL) identity caused a furore on the blog for its use of Helvetica. Pretty strong views there about what can arguably be the most common and well-loved font in the world. That might actually be a problem in itself. [Read more…]
NUS Windsurfing Club T-Shirt Design
The above design was submitted for a t-shirt design competition organized by the National University of Singapore’s Windsurfing Club. [Read more…]